Titano Token Burn
We know that Titano is evolving into Swych, but we also have an exciting burn just before that migration happens! Thanks to a culmination of our utilities (such as P.L.A.Y., SuperLotto, Swych Trading fees, and BetSwirl), we are burning some tokens before migration!
🔥Tokens Burned: 10 Billion +
🧾 TXN: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x055cf08381608f885e139874d625a160a662bfbcbd588e1398944cc1b6a80b88
- Keep in mind that these burns help combat inflation and reduce total supply; they may not directly impact price.
We love seeing a good token burn, and it’s all thanks to the community for utilizing our features and trading on the Swych platform.
With the Swych token quickly approaching launch in early March, stay tuned for the latest update and news. Many A.M.A.s are lined up to showcase this evolution to the crypto world. Also, remember that leading up to the Swych launch, Buy Tax has been removed, and Rebases have been turned off!
Thanks all! ❤️